How to be a great parent
While you may decide not to have kids yourself, I'm sure you've met kids and thought to yourself, how did that happen.
Instead of having to go out and buy a parenting book, I've included how to be a great parent here for you.
Well, in my office when it comes to training kids, it's more about the parents than the kid.
Not many parents attended training programs on how to raise a child.
This is where I tell kids that no matter what they want in life, whether it's now, this weekend, or next year, parents will only say yes if they build up enough good finance to get a yes.
No matter how amazing your life is now or later, you will encounter children. While you may decide not to have kids yourself, I'm sure you've met kids and thought to yourself, how did that happen.
I met a woman who made me smile when she told me, "Patrick loves kids, I can't eat a whole one"
Many of the parents I've met have made the biggest mistake of their lives by focusing more on the pursuit of money than on their children. Parents work long hours and children suffer. Never put money in front of the kids or your spouse, not if you want a great love relationship and life.
Some people wonder how the art of love can make a child turned into such a monster. Instead of having to go out and buy a parenting book, I've included how to be a great parent here for you.
If you are currently struggling to learn how to love and guide your children, this chapter will give you the answers. While you internalize this, let me drop some patriarchal myths along the way. So just read the principles and you'll understand when kids go crazy, we can save them.
Every day I go to my office, I come face to face with my father. 90% of the time you will be a mother. She will explain to me in great detail what she thinks (guess) is wrong with her child. Then he asks me if I want to talk to the baby to see if I can fix "that". Then I went out and brought the baby to sit in my office while you go out and wait.
The expectation is, of course, that the child who just got in won't be the same as the kid when he comes out again. Somehow I want to "fix" this child, because it is clearly broken. That's what moms tell me at least, and I have about twenty minutes to get it done.
So the first thing I do is remember all my training over all these years and then the little Mexican guy named Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer). You can't imagine that this famous dog trainer is training the dog and not the owner, right? Well, in my office when it comes to training kids, it's more about the parents than the kid. Like my friend Cesar, he knows the dog has been trained to behave a certain way and needs to be retrained by the dog owner. I have to retrain the parent as well as the child. This shouldn't come as a surprise at all. Not many parents attended training programs on how to raise a child.
In these following examples, I am talking about children ages 8 and up. With guys 8-15 years old, I can still get away with the credible story of building the bank. This is where I tell kids that no matter what they want in life, whether it's now, this weekend, or next year, parents will only say yes if they build up enough good finance to get a yes.
Amazing Banking Technology
Here's how easy and deep it is. We agree that children need both discipline and praise. By the way, I use praise 90% of the time, it is easier to look for it and it works 100% more for a child. Most parents I've met never understand praise and what it does to a child. They are too busy watching and expect all the wrong things to happen. Again, as I said throughout this book, it's a trick of the mind, this time by the parents.
I first prepare the child to understand that he has to do things for free around the house. This means jobs, i.e. jobs they can handle. This teaches the child to contribute to the family and the home. So when the tasks are done, I want the child to look for ways to build a money bank using more functions, but this time they will use the additional functions they do as currency.
This is how it works:
I was asked to help a 14 year old girl who didn't get this at all. She didn't want any part of my plan until you said, "I'm the only person on earth who can get your parents off your back." This caught her attention. From there she explained how she would have to work hard to re-enter the family so that both parents could trust her again.
She had a history of truancy, not doing homework, bad grades, and using bad language. Everyone who remembers has been trained. I was able to find the missing piece of this little girl's puzzle by listening to her, something she told me her parents never did. She told me that every time she tried to tell her parents how she felt, they yelled at her and told her to go to her room.
So, now excited and looking forward to the next two weeks of hard work and looking for opportunities to do more for his parents, this happy little one is back. I didn't say a word to the mother.
Two weeks later the mother came back with her daughter and started telling me how much the baby had changed. The mother went to tell me that her daughter started working at home, was kind to her brother and sister, and stayed at school. When it was the girls' turn to enter, she was angry and upset. She told me she did everything she suggested but her parents didn't do anything good or anything.
This is the case for many parents who do not even know how to praise, let alone recognize the times when a child needs praise. I spent most of the time with my mother explaining my idea to her daughter to build a bank with jobs and good behaviour in return for special rewards like having a friend to spend the night. The mother went away and began to praise her child even more. They were both so happy the last time they all met because we retrained them to look at life differently.
Change what doesn't work
Jack was an 8 year old boy out of control (mother's description) who attended my practice for anger problems. The story was that Mom lost control and Jack won and loved every minute of it. When I asked the mother if Jack misbehaved in front of his father, the answer was no.
This is a very common situation and can often cause major problems in a marriage or partnership. A child's view of his father is completely different from his view of his mother.
Little Jack made his mother scared, and the mother forgot who an adult was. She spent most of her day running after him, literally. If she tries to get him to school on time, he'll be too fast for her and run around the house while she's chasing and yelling at him.
But if your dad was at home, little Jack was an angel. Do you understand what is going on in this family? Yes, Jack is in charge and my mom is not.
My business had to start with my mother. I found that my mom did most of the parenting while my dad was at work. But the father got tired of the mother because she could not control the child, so the parents were in crisis.
The slight difference here was that one parent represented fear for young Jack, while the other parent did not. The father just had to look at the child and Jack did what he was told. However, Mom had to scream, chase, and slap Jack often to get him to act.
Of course, like all mothers, she would try to have Jack sit down and talk to him about why he should have acted. The technique of talking to a young child using adult language does not work like the word respect. I've done it all the time and all the time it didn't work, I kept doing it.
Remember this as long as you live your wonderful life. When it comes to children and behaviour, fear is a greater motivator than pain.
The father created fear in Jack and the mother created pain. Screaming, chasing and slapping Jack, all my mom produced was a temporary pain that slowed Jack down.
She also trained Jack to never seek attention other than pain. He got used to the smells and screaming.
I always ask all parents this question. Did you treat your parents with such disrespect when you were that age?
Don't let your child be disrespectful
It still amazes me that while the mom in the middle was telling me how disgustingly rude and disrespectful her child is, she still doesn't understand it. I've literally boycotted thousands of parents and asked this question and the parent would always say "Impossible." When I ask a parent why they don't mistreat their parents, they usually tell me that they are very scared. So of course I can't help myself and just have to ask the obvious question. So why do you keep letting your child do that?
The most common answer I hear is! "I do not know the reason".
The correct answer was that they themselves became fearful as parents. This is why they teach their children bad manners. Parents become so fearful that it will be easier in their minds to let the child misbehave rather than having to deal with it directly.
Yes, the child needs your love, but you have to train that child. The problem is that it's the other way around.
Let me explain...
I had the parents of a wild 15-year-old girl who came to my office in tears. There is no doubt that Monica through their account has complete control over both parents. It is clear that she received similar training at a young age as Little Jack. Both parents ran out of ideas. Here's what they told me they did so far to change the girl's behaviour.
1 She took out her cell phone
Why would a 15-year-old need a cell phone that I hear you say to yourself?
2 They establish it, i.e. do not go out except to school
3- Preventing her from accessing the computer and the Internet
That was all they did and they were sitting in my office, tears streaming down her cheeks and tears streaming down her cheeks. I made them understand that here they were sitting in my office with the weight of the world on their shoulders and that their daughter was running her life and loving her.
I didn't even have to see the baby. It was the parents who needed more help, so here's what I asked them to do. Now, I already knew how they would react to what I was about to suggest in terms of new strategies, but I also knew that after doing it for many years in this way, it would give us the right result.
She began by telling them that her bedroom door should be removed, and then all her clothes should be removed. Then all the trinkets, furniture and makeup had to be discarded. They had to empty the child's room so that a mattress and her school uniform remained on the floor. They had to arrange to move the rest to another location.
When I outlined this strategy, the parents seemed more frightened than when they walked in. Then I told them to call all the parents of their daughter's friend and tell them that under no circumstances should their daughter be allowed into their house if she ran away again.
While I continued with my plan, the mother could no longer stand it and had to interrupt. I've waited for her. Imagine this, here I am jumping out of my seat and writing on the big board all the things we needed to do for their precious little boy!!!
Mother did not let me down. Like others before her, she tried to tell me why they couldn't do what I asked them to do. Even the father came in and said he thought the whole door was a little rough.
Now this happens every day in my office, so you have to forgive me for sounding a little harsh here, but it always blows out the parents' state of mind, so I have to help them along.
I started screaming and screaming at the top of my lungs at them. How dare you tell me what you should and shouldn't, what kind of parent you are anyway? Are you bad parents then? Do you hit her all the time? Do you give up because you can't get over your feelings? Is that all? Are you hiding behind your poor behaviour?
As I continued my screaming, it actually helped them enter a state of extreme fear and panic. Remember that people invent the thoughts and feelings that produce behaviour. These parents, with the help of Monica, created a complete mess and through perceived fear were unable to raise the child.
Both parents started defending and making excuses saying that I was exaggerating and the punishment did not fit the crime. I was more upset than before. Now they tell me that Monica, a 15-year-old girl who swears, assaults her family, drinks, smokes, and stays up all night, does not deserve to be punished. I didn't even call it a punishment, they did, and the reason they called it a punishment was because they couldn't get themselves to do anything about it.
Now that the three of us got into a heated argument and both parents were in awe and dread, I wanted to make sure they knew I was serious about fixing this mess. So I ended up telling them that if they didn't do as they were told, I would make sure the authorities found out from my report that they were both terrible parents.
The reaction was the same as all the others, they stopped, looked pale and their breathing became heavy, like a panic attack. Now was the moment that would change their lives forever.
Unbeknownst to them, during our heated little discussion, the mother kept her left arm on her chest and took a deep breath each time I suggested things to her to do. The father looked as if his stomach was busy moving in and out of his daughter's bedroom door.
So she made the mother sit on the big black "magic chair". I call it magic because that's where the magic of change often happens. I had her tell me where the fear and dread felt inside her and as expected it was in her chest. It made her close her eyes and see the picture that made her afraid. Then I made it shrink the image down until it was the size of a "postage stamp", and then it faded away. As I did, I had her sideways rub her chest with my hand.
When she opened her eyes, the fear was completely gone. Then I did the same with the father and his result was the same, and his fear was gone. Now I had my parents sitting in my office without any fear at all. I should do the same for any parent who brings up a child who is out of control.
I may add this was the beginning of a change in their views. Now with parents who are no longer afraid, the task is much more manageable. They both listened to all the exact instructions and plans I made for them both and had to come back a week later.
Now you can see why I needed these parents to really feel and experience the pain they were going through in that moment. I can only cure arachnophobia if I have a spider to use to make sure the person really feels the feelings, even though you know now that we make all of that fear ourselves. I can't help anyone overcome their fear of heights unless they try to be high with me.
These parents started their conversation thinking that at the age of 15, Monica was out of control, and they didn't know how to stop her. Everything became so emotionally painful and overpowering these fabricated feelings, the parents couldn't handle it. They can now understand their contribution to what did not work before.
By making the parents reach a peak of panic and anxiety that was as real as they could possibly feel, it had a much stronger effect when the fear was quickly removed. Then I was able to break down that feeling of a heartbeat.
It is so rewarding to see the parents after this first session, which I fondly call "Punishment". By the way, I'd like to thank my daughter-in-law Keith for that. This particular couple had the most fun working with him because they really loved not only their daughter, but each other. Sometimes I encounter a couple who have lost the love they once had for each other, so they communicate differently with children, which can cause all sorts of problems. If the spouses are not together in this matter, it is very difficult to achieve a complete reversal of bad behaviour by both parents and children.
When they came back they had smiles on their faces which is always a good sign for me. They told me that the child's reaction was exactly as I expected. She screamed loudly, threw things around the house and ran to the place of her closest friends. But her mother's best friends did as Monica's parents asked and did not allow her to stay in their house. Once again, I see these approaches bring success to parents.
Now a point here...
There is always one person, usually a woman (sorry, no disrespect meant), who feels the need to become Mother Teresa for personal reasons. you know what i mean. She's usually a single mom (by the way, that's okay) and is in desperate need of love and attention.
She will be the one who knows best what a parent knows, no matter what a parent says to her, and will take your child at night no matter what you tell them they can't do. She explodes it. She longs for the feeling she gets when a child runs away from home only to find shelter in her home. It's real and there are women who think they should do it.
I warned this couple that if they had one of these in their community, their daughter would know who she is and go there. Sure enough, their daughter knew about this woman and tried to get in, but this couple had taken notes and remembered her. The parents cleverly asked a close friend to go see this woman that night, so you can imagine the feeling this 15-year-old had when she exhausted all the other places to go, only to find that her mom's best friend is there and demanded that she leave immediately. This woman was also able to explain to Mother Teresa in that second that everything was going according to plan and that there was nothing to worry about. poor child!!
The couple took care of every detail, locked their house like a castle, turned off all the lights and went to bed. They may have sat there worried, but they were talking to each other and assuring each other that what they were doing was for the good of their child.
Remember now that this was a child who knew her way through the streets, she was not an angel of innocence. She had been separated for the past two years, which sparked fear in her parents and took to the streets. But I changed her little game. I've done this with hundreds of parents, and when the parents literally implemented the plan, it always worked. Always.
They only told me at 1.30am they heard a knock on the back door and it was her. They remember what to do. They both went to the door and did not open it, but asked who was there. The daughter answered, and it was the parents' job to listen to her voice and make sure they heard nothing but anger.
I didn't want to see her, just listen to her voice first. The daughter cried, she went everywhere she could to seek refuge and friends, but found nothing. It was the middle of winter and the baby had run away in a fit of rage and wasn't wearing any warm clothes. Well, her parents get rid of everything, remember!
How different is it from the times she ran away and tattooed to her friends how she could do whatever she wanted?
The parents said they were convinced that their daughter was sincere in her tears, then moved on to the next batch. I use the door of the house as a symbol, and I wanted the child to really understand and feel what it was like to have nowhere to go, and if she was smart, she would come home to another child.
Before opening the door, the parents sketched what her life would look like this time. They had their list of requests and "must-haves" to let her go home and back into the family.
If you agree, they will open the door and all start with a clean slate, without grumbling and raising old questions. If you don't agree, they'll turn off the lights and go back to sleep, leaving her alone.
No wonder they were smiling, I was then, they were brilliant. But to my surprise, the father moved to my office door, opened it, and their 15-year-old daughter came in. I was quite surprised and wondered if I was going to yell at her when she went and hugged me and said, "Dad and Mom told me you put our family back together for us, thank you very much." Well, I can honestly tell you that there was no dehydration in the office after that, even parents didn't think she would say that.
This family in crisis has felt the same emotional pain as millions of other families across our planet. I hope in telling you about this family I will tell you that there is such a thing as a happy family, and if your family is in crisis, the most important thing to remember is:
Don't trick your brain into thinking that a child will do horrible things if you don't let him get what he wants. Children need to grow, they need to experience and understand emotions. I've heard almost every threat a child can present to a parent and me.
The child can try to convince his parents that these negative threats will be carried out. Once you succumb to these "alleged" threats, you have just trained this child to use them against you.
If for any reason you are interacting with your child and suddenly feel anxious or afraid, remove the feeling immediately before continuing the conversation. I showed you how to do it. If you don't, you will think the child will hurt themselves and then you will become a parent who is afraid to discipline the child or give him a wonderful, loving childhood because you come from fear and what if perspective. Don't be fooled by children's threats, these threats are really cries for help and they need their parents to take massive steps to turn things around.
For example, a young man of 11-16 years old wants to know if he fits in with others. This becomes their primary important priority in their life in this age. So reach out to them about it often so you can reassure them that they are indeed a good fit.
Remember when children go to school
You are no longer the most important person in his life.
I realize this may come as a shock to some parents, but please understand. Your love as a parent should be the love of letting them fall, of letting them fall so they can get up, and the love of letting them fail so that they alone know how to succeed. Only then will you have effectively prepared your child for adulthood.
All parents want a lot for their children, and sometimes that love can overwhelm them. Parents often use the phrase: "I just want to give my children what I did not have before." However, in saying this, I think we should teach them how to be happy for no reason, rather than trying to compare what our childhoods looked like. It shouldn't matter to your child's life, but we know it is. The best way to teach your kids to live a great life is to live it yourself. Learn by doing, not by saying.
If you overcompensate to get rid of the guilt and shame you still feel from your childhood, your child will suffer.
Overprotective parents can destroy a young woman's life before she has a chance to thrive. Love your children, but give them the freedom to learn from their actions and take responsibility for their actions.
I used to read to my four sons when they were young, and whenever I could I would always come up with a new book but make up the story instead of reading the book. When my sons were growing up, I told them stories about what it was like when their grandfather was alive and about my life when I was a boy their age.
They have heard stories of how people had to queue all day in the pouring rain just to buy sugar. Times like these in the evolution of our planet must teach future generations.
Today, my sons are parents, and they often report that these stories really grounded them and made them feel grateful, appreciate what they have, and understand what others don't.
Today, my sons and their children suffer from the father's minefields of cell phones, the Internet, and social media. I remind them to tell their children that when we can walk down Main Street and shop, and if anyone is thirsty, we'll stop at one of the many drinking fountains along the street for a drink of free water. Today they build huge complexes and surround you in concrete malls where the only place you can get water is from a plastic bottle that costs you a fortune.
Here's the real problem. As the world continues to change, so must your parenting skills.
Amazing love for a child
Today it is the parents who need the love of the child because the parent does not live a great life. Many parents I see have ruined relationships, marriages and very stressful lives. So in order to get love, parents yearn to love their child at any cost. When it's time to say no to the child and say no, the parent can't. Now we have a guilty parent and an out-of-control child being trained by the ignorant parent.
I don't remember how many smart kids sat in my office and told me about the futility of their parents. They tell me things like "Patrick, my parents take my iPod away for being naughty. They say it's gone for a week but I know I'll have it back in a couple of days, my mother always gives in."
This is the kind of parenting that confuses the child and trains them that the parent doesn't mean what is being said, and so they can do whatever they want.
Parents today live in fear of many things. You don't have to believe this trick. Stop, don't buy the child threat myth. Instead, be an honest, trusted parent. This illogical and politically correct statement that children have rights has been widely used.
No one has ever prevented me from photographing or taking pictures of my children or grandchildren. Many have tried, but I told them to go away otherwise.
You should be a parent, not a friend
Today it is the parents who need the love of the child because the parent does not live a great life. Now we have a guilty parent and an out-of-control child being trained by the ignorant parent. This is the kind of parenting that confuses the child and trains them that the parent doesn't mean what is being said, and so they can do whatever they want.