Three basic parenting styles
Parenting is something that usually comes naturally to people. There are no hard and fast manuals or rules for parenting. People usually learn as they go. Most things are second nature, like feeding, clothing and generally taking care of the baby. However, as the child grows and other children are born, the parent becomes more than just meeting the child's daily needs. Sometimes parents feel they need some help deciding the best way to raise their children.
There are many people who talk about parenting and offer advice and support to parents in need. Parenting styles are examples of things parents can do to help them with their parenting. A parenting style is basically a way of describing how parents parent their child or children. There are 3 basic types of parenting styles.
Some authorities on parenting would argue that there are many variations of parenting styles, but they go back to three basic parenting styles. These three styles are authoritarian, permissive and democratic.
Authoritarian parenting style is based on control. With this style of parenting, the parent always maintains complete control. There are strict rules and schedules under this style of parenting. Parents rule children with an iron fist. There are no exceptions to the rule and punishments are meted out very systematically and quickly if necessary. The downside of the authoritarian parenting style is that it usually doesn't allow for much affection or warmth. Because children raised with this parenting style are usually not allowed to think independently or make their own decisions, they often have trouble thinking for themselves as adults.
Permissive parenting style is the opposite of authoritarian parenting style. Allows the parent to take control of the child. Usually there aren't many rules and the rules that are made are often very loose. Broken rules are often not recognized or even enforced.
Parents using this parenting style believe that their children should be independent thinkers and be able to explore the world and learn for themselves without being bound by rules and rigid structures. This parenting style is often accompanied by lots of affection and warmth. The downside though is that kids don't learn that rules are sometimes necessary. They learn that no matter what they do - right or wrong - they will not be punished. It may rebel against rule or structure throughout its life.
Democratic parenting style is a blend of authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. A democratic parent will set necessary rules and enforce them, but they will take each situation as it comes. Punishment is usually discussed with the child.
Democratic parents are most interested in making sure their children understand why rules are in place and why certain behaviors are unacceptable. Democratic parenting is about telling children when they are doing good and when they are doing bad, making sure they understand why it is wrong. It is a parenting style where everyone - parent and child - works together Children will usually grow up to respect their parents and be able to handle conflicts and problems in an appropriate manner.
Each parenting style has its advantages and disadvantages. Obviously, children with an authoritarian parenting style will be very respectful and very well behaved. There will be much less chaos between parents and their stress levels will be lower. Parents with a permissive parenting style are free to do whatever they want because they are not constantly policing the children.
The family just does its thing, which can often lead to a lot of isolation over time as everyone develops their own lives separate from the family. Democratic parenting in style requires a lot of work. Parents must constantly talk and communicate with their children to include everyone in the family.
No one ever claimed parenting was easy. There really is no right or wrong for parenting as long as the kids are taken care of, happy and healthy. Parents can choose how they want to raise their children. Some parents simply fall into a parenting style that seems to fit their own lives and their own beliefs. Others make a conscious effort to keep up with the parenting style. However, parents choose their parenting style, as long as it works for them and their children are taken care of, that's fine.
Parents using this parenting style believe that their children should be independent thinkers and be able to explore the world and learn for themselves without being bound by rules and rigid structures. Democratic parenting style is a blend of authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. It is a parenting style where everyone - parent and child - works together Children will usually grow up to respect their parents and be able to handle conflicts and problems in an appropriate manner.